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# HTTP Cookie Library Version 2.1 #
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright mattw@worldwidemart.com #
# Created 07/14/96 Last Modified 12/23/96 #
# Script Archive at: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/ #
# Extensive Documentation found in README file.#
# Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright. All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# HTTP Cookie Library may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so #
# long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By #
# using this code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any #
# liability that might arise from it's use. #
# #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is #
# expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and #
# make money off of my program. #
# #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.#
# Define variables for this library. #
# This is an optional variable. If not defined, the cookie will expire #
# when a user's session ends. #
# Should be defined as: Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT #
$Cookie_Exp_Date = '';
# By default this will be set to the same path as the document being #
# described by the header which contains the cookie. #
$Cookie_Path = '';
# By default this will be set to the domain host name of the server #
# which generated the cookie response. #
$Cookie_Domain = '';
# This should be set to 0 if the cookie is safe to send across over #
# unsecured channels. If set to 1 the cookie will only be transferred #
# if the communications channel with the host is a secure one. Currently #
# this means that secure cookies will only be sent to HTTPS (HTTP over #
# SSL) servers. According to Netscape docs at least. #
$Secure_Cookie = '0';
# These are the characters which the HTTP Cookie Library will translate #
# to url encoded (hex characters) when it sets individual or compressed #
# cookies. The array holds the order in which these should be #
# translated (as we wouldn't want to translate spaces into pluses and #
# then pluses into the URL encoded form, but rather the other way #
# around) and the associative array holds the values to translate #
# characters into. The decoded set will reverse the process. Feel free #
# to add any other characters here, but it shouldn't be necessary. #
# This is a correction in version 2.1 which makes this library adhere #
# more to the Netscape specifications. #
@Cookie_Encode_Chars = ('\%', '\+', '\;', '\,', '\=', '\&', '\:\:', '\s');
%Cookie_Encode_Chars = ('\%', '%25',
'\+', '%2B',
'\;', '%3B',
'\,', '%2C',
'\=', '%3D',
'\&', '%26',
'\:\:', '%3A%3A',
'\s', '+');
@Cookie_Decode_Chars = ('\+', '\%3A\%3A', '\%26', '\%3D', '\%2C', '\%3B', '\%2B', '\%25');
%Cookie_Decode_Chars = ('\+', ' ',
'\%3A\%3A', '::',
'\%26', '&',
'\%3D', '=',
'\%2C', ',',
'\%3B', ';',
'\%2B', '+',
'\%25', '%');
# Done #
# Subroutine: &GetCookies() #
# Description: This subroutine can be called with or without arguments. If #
# arguments are specified, only cookies with names matching #
# those specified will be set in %Cookies. Otherwise, all #
# cookies sent to this script will be set in %Cookies. #
# Usage: &GetCookies([cookie_names]) #
# Variables: cookie_names - These are optional (depicted with []) and #
# specify the names of cookies you wish to set.#
# Can also be called with an array of names. #
# Ex. 'name1','name2' #
# Returns: 1 - If successful and at least one cookie is retrieved. #
# 0 - If no cookies are retrieved. #
sub GetCookies {
# Localize the variables and read in the cookies they wish to have #
# returned. #
local(@ReturnCookies) = @_;
local($cookie_flag) = 0;
# If the HTTP_COOKIE environment variable has been set by the call to #
# this script, meaning the browser sent some cookies to us, continue. #
if ($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}) {
# If specific cookies have have been requested, meaning the #
# @ReturnCookies array is not empty, proceed. #
if ($ReturnCookies[0] ne '') {
# For each cookie sent to us: #
foreach (split(/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})) {
# Split the cookie name and value pairs, separated by '='. #
($cookie,$value) = split(/=/);
# Decode any URL encoding which was done when the compressed #
# cookie was set. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Decode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
# For each cookie to be returned in the @ReturnCookies array:#
foreach $ReturnCookie (@ReturnCookies) {
# If the $ReturnCookie is equal to the current cookie we #
# are analyzing, set the cookie name in the %Cookies #
# associative array equal to the cookie value and set #
# the cookie flag to a true value. #
if ($ReturnCookie eq $cookie) {
$Cookies{$cookie} = $value;
$cookie_flag = "1";
# Otherwise, if no specific cookies have been requested, obtain all #
# cookied and place them in the %Cookies associative array. #
else {
# For each cookie that was sent to us by the browser, split the #
# cookie name and value pairs and set the cookie name key in the #
# associative array %Cookies equal to the value of that cookie. #
# Also set the coxokie flag to 1, since we set some cookies. #
foreach (split(/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})) {
($cookie,$value) = split(/=/);
# Decode any URL encoding which was done when the compressed #
# cookie was set. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Decode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$Cookies{$cookie} = $value;
$cookie_flag = 1;
# Return the value of the $cookie_flag, true or false, to indicate #
# whether we succeded in reading in a cookie value or not. #
return $cookie_flag;
# Subroutine: &SetCookieExpDate() #
# Description: Sets the expiration date for the cookie. #
# Usage: &SetCookieExpDate('date') #
# Variables: date - The date you wish for the cookie to expire, in the #
# format: Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT #
# Ex. 'Wed, 09-Nov-1999 00:00:00 GMT' #
# Returns: 1 - If successful and date passes regular expression check #
# for format errors and the new ExpDate is set. #
# 0 - If new ExpDate was not set. Check format of date. #
sub SetCookieExpDate {
# If the date string is formatted as: Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT, set #
# the $Cookie_Exp_Date to the new value and return 1 to signal success. #
# Otherwise, return 0, as the date was not successfully changed. #
# The date can also be set null value by calling: SetCookieExpDate(''). #
if ($_[0] =~ /^\w{3}\,\s\d{2}\-\w{3}-\d{4}\s\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\sGMT$/ ||
$_[0] eq '') {
$Cookie_Exp_Date = $_[0];
return 1;
else {
return 0;
# Subroutine: &SetCookiePath() #
# Description: Sets the path for the cookie to be sent to. #
# Usage: &SetCookiePath('path') #
# Variables: path - The path to which this cookie should be sent. #
# Ex. '/' or '/path/to/file' #
# Returns: Nothing. #
sub SetCookiePath {
# Set the new Cookie Path, assuming it is correct. No error checking is #
# done. #
$Cookie_Path = $_[0];
# Subroutine: &SetCookieDomain() #
# Description: Sets the domain for the cookie to be sent to. You can only #
# specify a domain within the current domain. Must have 2 or #
# 3 periods, depending on type of domain. e.g., .domain.com #
# or .k12.co.us. #
# Usage: &SetCookieDomain('domain') #
# Variables: domain - The domain to set the cookie for. #
# Ex. '.host.com' #
# Returns: 1 - If successful and value of $Cookie_Domain was set. #
# 0 - If unsuccessful and value was not changed. #
sub SetCookieDomain {
# Following Netscape specifications, if the domain specified is one of 7 #
# top level domains, only require it to contain two periods, and if it #
# is not, require that there be three. If the new domain passes error #
# checking, set the new domain and return a true value. Otherwise, #
# return 0. Trying to set a domain other than the current one is futile,#
# since the browser won't allow it. But if people may be accessing the #
# page from www.host.xxx or host.xxx, you may wish to set it to .host.xxx#
# so that either host the access will have access to the cookie. #
if ($_[0] =~ /(.com|.edu|.net|.org|.gov|.mil|.int)$/i &&
$_[0] =~ /\..+\.\w{3}$/) {
$Cookie_Domain = $_[0];
return 1;
elsif ($_[0] !~ /(.com|.edu|.net|.org|.gov|.mil|.int)$/i &&
$_[0] =~ /\..+\..+\..+/) {
$Cookie_Domain = $_[0];
return 1;
else {
return 0;
# Subroutine: &SetSecureCookie() #
# Description: This subroutine will set the cookie to be either secure, #
# meaning the cookie will only be passed over a secure HTTP #
# channel, or unsecure, meaning it is safe to pass unsecured. #
# Usage: &SetSecureCookie('flag') #
# Variables: flag - 0 or 1 depending whether you want it secure or not #
# secure. By default, it is set to unsecure, unless #
# $Secure_Cookie was changed at the top. #
# Ex. 1 #
# Returns: 1 - If successful and value of $Secure_Cookie was set. #
# 0 - If unsuccessful and value was not changed. #
sub SetSecureCookie {
# If the value passed to this script is a 1 or 0, set $Secure_Cookie #
# accordingly and return a true value. Otherwise, return a false value. #
if ($_[0] =~ /^[01]$/) {
$Secure_Cookie = $_[0];
return 1;
else {
return 0;
# Subroutine: &SetCookies() #
# Description: Sets one or more cookies by printing out the Set-Cookie #
# HTTP header to the browser, based on cookie information #
# passed to subroutine. #
# Usage: &SetCookies(name1,value1,...namen,valuen) #
# Variables: name - Name of the cookie to be set. #
# Ex. 'count' #
# value - Value of the cookie to be set. #
# Ex. '3' #
# n - This is tacked on to the last of the name and value #
# pairs in the usage instructions just to show you #
# you can have as many name/value pairs as you wish. #
# ** You can specify as many name/value pairs as you wish, and #
# &SetCookies will set them all. Just string them out, one #
# after the other. You must also have already printed out #
# the Content-type header, with only one new line following #
# it so that the header has not been ended. Then after the #
# &SetCookies call, you can print the final new line. #
# Returns: Nothing. #
sub SetCookies {
# Localize variables and read in cookies to be set. #
local(@cookies) = @_;
# While there is a cookie and a value to be set in @cookies, that hasn't #
# yet been set, proceed with the loop. #
while( ($cookie,$value) = @cookies ) {
# We must translate characters which are not allowed in cookies. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Encode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
# Begin the printing of the Set-Cookie header with the cookie name #
# and value, followed by semi-colon. #
print 'Set-Cookie: ' . $cookie . '=' . $value . ';';
# If there is an Expiration Date set, add it to the header. #
if ($Cookie_Exp_Date) {
print ' expires=' . $Cookie_Exp_Date . ';';
# If there is a path set, add it to the header. #
if ($Cookie_Path) {
print ' path=' . $Cookie_Path . ';';
# If a domain has been set, add it to the header. #
if ($Cookie_Domain) {
print ' domain=' . $Cookie_Domain . ';';
# If this cookie should be sent only over secure channels, add that #
# to the header. #
if ($Secure_Cookie) {
print ' secure';
# End this line of the header, setting the cookie. #
print "\n";
# Remove the first two values of the @cookies array since we just #
# used them. #
shift(@cookies); shift(@cookies);
# Subroutine: &SetCompressedCookies #
# Description: This routine does much the same thing that &SetCookies does #
# except that it combines multiple cookies into one. #
# Usage: &SetCompressedCookies(cname,name1,value1,...,namen,valuen) #
# Variables: cname - Name of the compressed cookie to be set. #
# Ex. 'CC' #
# name - Name of the individual cookie to be set. #
# Ex. 'count' #
# value - Value of the individual cookie to be set. #
# Ex. '3' #
# n - This is tacked on to the last of the name and value #
# pairs in the usage instructions just to show you #
# you can have as many name/value pairs as you wish. #
# Returns: Nothing. #
sub SetCompressedCookies {
# Localize input into the compressed cookie name and the cookies to be #
# set. #
local($cookie_name,@cookies) = @_;
# While there is a cookie and a value to be set in @cookies, that hasn't #
# yet been set, proceed with the loop. #
while ( ($cookie,$value) = @cookies ) {
# We must translate characters which are not allowed in cookies, or #
# which might interfere with the compression. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Encode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
# Prepare the cookie value. If a current cookie value exists, use #
# an ampersand (&) to separate the cookies and instead of using = to #
# separate the name and the value, use double colons (::), so it #
# won't confuse the browser. #
if ($cookie_value) {
$cookie_value .= '&' . $cookie . '::' . $value;
else {
$cookie_value = $cookie . '::' . $value;
# Remove the first two values of the @cookies array since we just #
# used them. #
shift(@cookies); shift(@cookies);
# Use the &SetCookies array to set the compressed cookie and value. #
# Subroutine: &GetCompressedCookies() #
# Description: This subroutine takes the compressed cookie names, and #
# optionally the names of specific cookies you want returned #
# and uncompressed them, setting the values into %Cookies. #
# Specific names of cookies are optional and if not specified #
# all cookies found in the compressed cookie will be set. #
# Usage: &GetCompressedCookies(cname,[names]) #
# Variables: cname - Name of the compressed cookie to be uncompressed. #
# Ex. 'CC' #
# names - Optional names of cookies to be returned from the #
# compressed cookie if you don't want them all. The #
# [] depict a list of optional names, don't use []. #
# Ex. 'count' #
# Returns: 1 - If successful and at least one cookie is retrieved. #
# 0 - If no cookies are retrieved. #
sub GetCompressedCookies {
# Localize variables used in this subroutine as well as the compressed #
# cookie name and the cookies to retrieve from the compressed cookie. #
local($cookie_name,@ReturnCookies) = @_;
local($cookie_flag) = 0;
# If we can get the compressed cookie, proceed. #
if (&GetCookies($cookie_name)) {
# If there are specific cookies which we should set, rather than all #
# cookies found in the compressed cookie, then only retrieve them. #
if ($ReturnCookies[0] ne '') {
# For each cookie that was found in the compressed cookie: #
foreach (split(/&/,$Cookies{$cookie_name})) {
# Split the cookie name and value pair. #
($cookie,$value) = split(/::/);
# Decode any URL encoding which was done when the compressed #
# cookie was set. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Decode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
# For each cookie in the specified cookies we should set, #
# check to see if it matches the cookie we are looking at #
# right now. If so, set that cookie in the %Cookies array #
# and set the cookie flag to 1. #
foreach $ReturnCookie (@ReturnCookies) {
if ($ReturnCookie eq $cookie) {
$Cookies{$cookie} = $value;
$cookie_flag = 1;
# Otherwise, if there are no specific cookies to set, we will set #
# all cookies we find in the compressed cookie. #
else {
# Split the compressed cookie and split the cookie name/value #
# pairs, setting them in %Cookies. Also set cookie flag to 1. #
foreach (split(/&/,$Cookies{$cookie_name})) {
($cookie,$value) = split(/::/);
# Decode any URL encoding which was done when the compressed #
# cookie was set. #
foreach $char (@Cookie_Decode_Chars) {
$cookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$value =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$Cookies{$cookie} = $value;
$cookie_flag = 1;
# Delete the compressed cookie from the %Cookies array. #
# Return the cookie flag, which tells whether any cookies have been set. #
return $cookie_flag;
# This statement must be left in so that when perl requires this script as a #
# library it will do so without errors. This tells perl it has successfully #
# required the library. #